

mALB uncut sheet

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Disease Type:

Pathological increase was seen in diabetic nephropathy, hypertension, and preeclampsia. In the early stage of urinary microalbumin stage is the early signal and omen of the occurrence of kidney disease, at this time the kidney damage is in the reversible period, such as timely treatment, can terminate or reverse the development of kidney disease. Urinary microalbumin detection can be used as an indicator of renal function in systemic or local inflammatory reactions, such as early renal lesions caused by urinary tract infection. Predictors of complications of acute pancreatitis; People who take drugs that have an impact on kidney function can also detect urinary microalbumin, which is convenient for early observation of kidney function and early measures.

mALB uncut sheet


Urinary microalbumin assay reflects early nephropathy and renal injury.

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