

The ceremony comes to an end, work together to draw the future!

When the noisy applause gradually dissipated, when the joy of the song slowly returned to quiet, our annual ceremony has come to an end. Tonight’s starry sky bears witness to our common memories, and this memory will become the most precious strength on our way to struggle in the New Year.

On January 26, 2024, on this night full of laughter and affection, we recognized the achievements of the past, enjoyed wonderful performances together, and looked forward to the possibilities of the future together. The smile of every colleague is the most beautiful scenery of this night. Each of your applause is the best response to the efforts of the past year.

We not only give out annual awards to recognize those teams and individuals who have done a great job, but more importantly, we have witnessed each other’s growth and progress together. Behind these achievements, countless days and nights of hard work and sweat are the embodiment of our team spirit.

Our evening culminated in the most exciting raffle. Each prize is not only a gift of luck, but also the company’s thanks to each employee’s hard work. Although the prizes are limited, I hope this luck will accompany you through the New Year.

In the performance section, the talents of colleagues made the whole party full of vitality and passion. Each of the performers on stage told our story in their own way, strengthening our cohesion as a team.

As the party comes to an end, we can’t help but say: Thank you to every colleague who participated in the preparation, it is your hard work to make this night so wonderful; Thank you to everyone who is here. It is your enthusiasm that makes this evening so warm.

Although the annual meeting has ended, our footsteps will not stop. We will take this beautiful memory and move on. In the New Year, let us go hand in hand, do not forget the original intention, forge ahead, create a more brilliant tomorrow.

We believe that as long as we are united, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome and no goal that cannot be achieved. Let us look forward to coming together again in the New Year to celebrate our achievements and victories.

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