

HSV-I/II Uncut Sheet

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Detection steps:

Step 1: Place the sample and test assembly at room temperature (if refrigerated or frozen). After thawing, the specimen is thoroughly mixed before determination.
Step 2: When ready to test, open the bag at the notch and remove the device. Place on a clean, flat surface to test the device.
Step 3: Make sure to use the specimen ID number to mark the device.
Step 4: Complete blood test
– Inject 1 drop of whole blood (about 30-35μL) into the sample hole.
– Then immediately add 2 drops (about 60-70μL) of sample thinner.

Step 5: Set a timer.
Step 6: The result can be read in 20 minutes. Positive results can be seen in a short time (1 minute).
Do not read results after 30 minutes. To avoid confusion, discard the test device after interpreting the results.

HSV-I/II Uncut Sheet


HSV is a common pathogen that endangers human health and causes skin diseases and venereal diseases.

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