

IP Story

Know About Our Chief Nosy Officer IP (Nainiu).

IP Story

Know About Our Nainiu

Part 1

One day,Elva came across a stray cat downstairs from our office, it helplessly begging for food on the roadside. The cat was so pitiful that Elva adopted it at the office without hesitation.

Part 2

Initially, NaiNiu was extremely frightened, despondent, and preferred solitude. Nevertheless, our staff members were incredibly amiable and they constructed a comfortable haven in diverse ways. Gradually, NaiNiu began to acclimate to the new environment. This also brought immense delight and contentment to us, revitalizing our enthusiasm for both work and life.

Part 3

As time passed, NaiNiu’s adorableness and clevernessAs time passed, NaiNiu’s adorableness and cleverness endeared itself to everyone. Consequently, we resolved to establish NaiNiu as the Team’s IP due to its ability to embody Bio-Mapper’s values and cultural essence, while also providing a profound brand experience for all.

Part 4

In order to integrate NaiNiu’s image into our culture, we have created numerous cute cartoon selfies based on the real appearance of NaiNiu. These photos have been ingeniously incorporated into various aspects, including gift design, event promotion, and internal team communication. When you receive a special gift, you may find these adorable cartoon selfies within it. They not only add color to the gift but also make you feel our love for NaiNiu and our enthusiasm for work.

Eventually, NaiNiu also became healthier and more lively, and it became the most valuable member of the company.
NaiNiu, not only enriches an IP of us, but also hopes that everyone will love the true value and meaning of life.

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